Atomik Ink's

So I Got This New Camera…

In Where Tech and Marketing Collide on October 6, 2011 at 10:46 pm
I have bee looking into buying a new camera for the last couple of years and have finally taken the plunge.  Until now my digital camera experience has been limited to mid-level point and shoot and cell phone cameras.  To be fair I have actually gotten pretty good at grabbing some really good shots with a phone cam.  I have also followed a few photographers that are using a mobile phone camera exclusively and some of their work is amazing.  Anyway back to the matter at hand.  After a lengthy internal debate between getting the top of the line or sticking to my budget.  To compound the issue I added a newer technology to the mix (micro four thirds).

I finally decided on the Olympus EP-3.  My reasoning was that this camera met most of the needs I was looking for.  The EP-3 has HD video capabilities.  Previous versions did as well; however they would only record less than 10 minutes.  The micro four thirds format also allows for a much smaller camera.

Below are a few of my favorite shots from my first couple months with the camera.  Please give me some feedback on the photos.

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